Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the big day

Heading says it all. THIS IS IT !! leaving for the airport in just over an hour. i can't believe it. i'm freaking out. I've been told by many that the first week or two will be very difficult, adjusting to the new environment and reevaluating if your decision to go was a smart idea or not... with a week's-worth of clothes, no laptop, tons of bug spray, sunblock and a first-aid kit to cure literally any kind of sickness or wound that could possibly come my way, i think i'm as ready as i can be (even though it doesn't feel like it). It is bittersweet that I am leaving now since I've become closer and better friends with so many people the last couple of months. Everyone is so supportive and loving. I am leaving New York, friends and family for almost 3 months to explore a whole new side of the world, on my own. I don't think I've felt this nervous and anxious in a long time, but sometimes you just gotta take the plunge. Fear won't make you move forward. This is an adventure I've been wanting to embark on for a long time now. I think I'm ready to be on southeast Asia time !!!

See you in April, America!!

1 comment:

Louise L said...

Can you put me in your luggage?? Bon voyage ma cherie, and have the greatest time ever!!! Much love xoxoxo :O)