Monday, June 27, 2016

A Journey Unfinished

Well, here we are... over four years later. Much has changed since my first trip. So much that cannot be addressed in just one post. Perhaps I will touch on these as the journey unfolds... There has been an itch to return to this side of the world, but this time Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. There is something so replenishing and healing about this part of the world to me.

In my "closing words" from the first time around, so much was learned, understood, and realized. Little did I know that it would be nothing compared to the trials and tribulations faced upon my return home.

Fast forward four years later, I have begun and finished graduate school, I am now a teacher, and perhaps the most cataclysmic change of all - I lost one of my biggest cheerleaders in life, someone who has commented on every single post in this blog - my amazing father, my papa.

My world is completely different now. But the resilience he instilled in me has not diminished.
My plane leaves tonight for a new adventure, and although it is half the length of the first, there are no doubts it will be filled with just as many discoveries - both physical and psychological.

Here we go to a journey unfinished.... It's time!